Now, to be specific, my cousins are Trevigiani. They live east of the Piave River and according to the patriarch Costante Marchesin and his daughter Mirella, that made them Trevigiani, NOT Veneziani. Trevigiani is a more specific designation, although no one seems to use that distinction these days.
In years past, the Trevigiani spoke in such a strong dialect that Robert’s father could not understand them when he visited with the family in 1962. Robert’s mom, who was brought up with that dialect at home in San Mateo, served as the translator. When she was growing up, her father insisted that they speak in the Trevigiani dialect at home. Robert’s mom did not learn English until she attended kindergarten.
After Venice we spent a few days with Miryam, Alessandro, and the boys to say hello and goodbye. We caught up with other relatives in the area too! About ten households. We really enjoyed our time with the family here. Each time we learn more about their daily lives through our lens of retirement.
A simple, autostrada-dominated, one-hour drive from Venice. We deviated a bit to go to Vittorio Veneto for lunch.Places visited during our stay..Nocciola sums up everything about being Italian when the weather gets below 65 degrees. While Italian people wear scarves when it gets cold, Nocciola is carefully wrapped in a blanket and set on a cushion for her night’s sleep, uninterrupted by any drafts. (Her neck is protected because of a recent mishap.) She is so comfortable that she often does not want to get up in the morning and go outside.Michele, Nocciola, and LeonardoAlessandro leaving for work around 6:30 amTypical breakfast. Leonardo and Michele leave for school at about 7:00 am. The liceo (high school) is in Conegliano, about a 25-minute drive from home. Italian schools in this area start at 8:00 am and finish at 1:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. Both boys are in the same liceo that focuses on science and mathematics. We drove to Belluno (one hour north of Conegliano) to see Michele in his second game of the season. Italians call this sport basket. Unlike in American schools, sports are separate, in private leagues. It was a close game, but . . . .
Vittorio Veneto
Our trip from Venice to Oderzo was short so we decided to have lunch in Vittorio Veneto. Found a nice place filled with locals and with local dishes. Robert had Radici e fasioi, a very typical dish up here. It is made with fresh radicchio lathered in a puréed bean soup (think refried beans) with diced lardo (think diced prosciutto without the meat). Very tasty. Good for a cool fall or cold winter day. On our trip in 2001 with Robert’s parents, his mom ordered this in Pordenone. She remembered it from her childhood.
Radici e fasioi
Dinner with the Marchesin Family in Treviso
With all these Marchesins, we know this is confusing. Michele is the son of Robert’s mom’s first cousin Mario Marchesin, so he is Robert’s second cousin. The family has been in the clothing industry for centuries. Focusing in the past century on knitwear.
The waiter was enthusiastic about the swordfish. (L-R) Eleonora, Elisa, Michele, Ludmila, B+, BJeff: Brand new Trasher sweatshirt1962- Michele Marchesin is the baby held by his mom with his father Mario behind. Michele’s brother Leonardo is to the right.1962-Mario showing Robert and his parents one of their knitting machines. He and his wife had the first license in Italy to import cashmere.We took a nice long walk around Treviso after dinner. The town is bustling with activi;ty.Marchesin gift from a bakery on the ground floor of their apartment building in Treviso. Good!
Dinner with the Zanette Family
Not cousins, but they should be. Marisa Zanette is the sister-in-law of Robert’s aunt Angela in San Mateo (wife of Robert’s Uncle Rico). Marisa and her son Francesco live in Conegliano, while her daughter Silvia and husband Davide live in Florence. (Yes, they did the 4.5-hour drive to see us . . . so very nice of them.) Vittorio, son of Marisa, recently married Daniela and they live nearby in Cappella Maggiore. We all met at Marisa’s home, drank a fine bottle of prosecco, and then went to the Trattoria alla Sorte for a real Italian Sunday family lunch in the country in Costa Alta Conegliano. We caught up on our lives and Robert had no time for photos at the table!
View from the trattoria(L-R) B, Francesco, B+, Marisa, Vittorio, Daniela, Silvia, and Davide
Benedet Family
Bruno Benedet married Mirella Marchesin (sister of Beppino and Silvana Marchesin). At 90, Bruno is home most of the time, but his son Andrea, an accountant, moved his office close to his father’s house so he sees Bruno many times each day.
Andrea Benedet with his dad, Bruno1962—Bruno, center in red shirt with his wife Mirella Marchesin. Handsome couple.Guiseppe (Beppino) and Angela Marchesin1962—Beppino with his sister Silvana
A Day Trip
We took off late morning one day to explore a few places in the area: Pordenone and Portogruaro.
Compared to our visit in June, the fields we drive by are now beginning to take on their autumn colors. Vineyards that were lush and full of grapes in June, have been harvested and are showing off hints of yellow. Some vines have already lost their leaves. Most of the corn/silage has been harvested along with the sunflowers. The sky is grey most days and the weather is cool. Compared to the heat of June, it is quite a treat.
A port town on the Noncello River. It was under Roman rule and subsequent rule by Venice and Austria, and finally annexed by Italy. A fairly sleepy place but it made a nice short visit and a place to have lunch and a gelato of course!
Bonnie remembers going here with Robert’s parents during their trip in 2002Robert was disappointed that the waiter did not blink an eye when he cleared the table.
Located on the Lemene River, this is also a river port town and a comune in the Metropolitan City of Venice. We just picked it out on a map and were pleasantly surprised by what we discovered. Gruaro seems to mean the home of the gru (the water birds).
No photo perspective correction will work. The campanile is leaning “a bit.”Robert thinks thIs restaurant specializes in wild game.
Dinner out with the Marchesins (Miryam, Alessandro, Leonardo, and Michele)
Why, oh why, did Robert take pics only of the food?!
As some of you know, Robert has a torchio that he purchased from Pastabiz on Harrison Street in San Francisco. They carry a wide range of pasta machines for restaurants and commercial establishments. Famous New York Italian restaurants get their equipment here. Robert’s torchio is the smallest they offer and is operated like a large cookie press. You turn the handle on top and the pasta emerges from the bottom through a die. You insert different brass dies to make different pasta shapes. Robert discovered that the torchio manufacturer was located on the way to Vincenza, so we stopped in, saw the small family-owned business, met the owner, and purchased a few dies. One die that Robert wanted was out of stock, so they made a new one in ten minutes. Very nice folks.
After purchasing a few torchio dies, we had lunch nearby.
Before we forget . . .
A few items to capture in our blog before we forget.
Typical bread stick from the Veneto. You see this included in the bread baskets.A great present from Miryam and Alessandro; You use these to keep your bottled fruit and vegetables submerged in the canning liquid. Perfect for Robert when he preserves hot peppers.A must in Italy to fight off mosquitos. It is made with icaridin, better than Deet because it seems not to have the same side effects, like damaging plastic. Look it up in Wikipedia. Used in bug-proof clothing. Needs to have a minimum of 20 percent icaridin to be effective.
We have been spending time in the Veneto region with many of Robert’s relatives.
The family of Robert’s mom, Emma, are from the Veneto, specifically the Province of Treviso, and more specifically the tiny town of Pianzano, which is 40 miles north of Venice. Her parents were both born in Pianzano but they met only after they came to San Mateo, California. In fact, San Mateo is filled with families whose roots are in this region. The cemetery in Pianzano is a testament to this.
The Veneto is obviously the most economically successful region of Italy, and the countryside is dotted with factories making, especially, wine, furniture, eyeglasses, ski equipment, and some clothing. The many small towns sprawl with new development.
We made the easy two-hour drive from Trieste to Oderzo to stay with cousin Miryam Marchesin, her husband Alessandro Piva, and their sons—Leonardo 17 and Michele 14.
This was the best part of our stay—seeing a young Italian family in action. Hard working to say the least. Alessandro is off to work at 6:00 AM each day followed by Miryam at 7:00 after a walk with her neighbor. This summer, Leonardo works at a factory starting at 5:00 AM and finishing at 2:00 PM. On alternate weeks, this changes to 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Michele is not yet old enough to work during the summer, but he vacuums, washes dishes, and hangs laundry, sometimes with the assistance of Miryam. He occasionally bakes a cake, and he has a deep fondness for pancakes that he makes from scratch.
Mom and dad return each day for lunch—the table set by Michele and Leonardo when he is there. Both Miryam and Alessandro pitch in on cooking and cleaning up. This process is repeated at dinner. The family schedule gets more complicated when school is in session.
Oh, the fifth member of the family is Nocciola (hazelnut), a Jack Russell and something mix. She keeps everyone entertained, especially when Robert accidentally opens the front gate, allowing Nocci to escape with all family members in pursuit.
During our stay, we tutored one another all day long on English and Italian. Robert hopes he can retain 25 percent of what they repeatedly told him: e.g., struzzo is a bird from Africa; strutto is lard.
We split the big Marchesin family meal into two parts this year. First up were Guiseppe and Angela Marchesin, their kids (Miryam and Susan), their husbands Alessandro and Loris), and the four grandchildren.Second up were Silvana Marchesin and Bruno Benedet and one of his sons, Fabio, along with his two children, Mauro and Marta.B+B with Fabio’s kids, Marta and Mauro. (Marta bears a striking resemblance to Missy on Young Sheldon.)Family dinner with Miryam and family.Nocciola Marchesin-Piva taking a rest from barking at all the people walking by. Bonnie and Silvana in front her boutique in Pianzano.Loris and Susan look on as Gabrielle shows off his insect collection.We also reunited with Leonardo and Michele Marchesin and their families, who we had not seen for several decades. Michele manages the knitting factory established by his father Mario to knit the first cashmere imported from China into Italy.Stefano, Robert, Maria, xx, and her husband Antonio Piccoli. Robert’s grandmother’s last name was Piccoli.Picolli house in Pianzano where Robert’s grandmother (Emma’s mom) was bornMarisa Zanette, Zia Angelina Marchesin’s sister-in-lawFrancesco Zanette, Marisa’s son, in the grocery store where he works
This map is small, but it offers some idea of the places we visited in the Veneto region while based in Oderzo.
Prior to this trip, we had not seen the older part of Oderzo, a thriving town of 20,000, with Roman underpinnings. It is filled with the arched arcades over the sidewalk common in many towns in the Veneto. And, like these other towns, Oderzo has integrated modern plazas within the historic setting. Very charming.
Wednesday morning mercato. Large!Need shoes?Villas like this dot the landscape. They were built throughout the region by Venetians as summer homes.Mark Nolfi: grappa and lots of it!
Chiesetta di San Giuseppe di Oderzo
Opera in the Plaza in Oderzo
Alesandro and Miryam treated us to a night of opera in the plaza. Big turn out. Lots of fun. Started at 9:00 PM and ended at midnight. Nabucco by Verdi.
Video! The audience joins in at the end of the opera singing Va’ Pensiero, which is the unofficial national anthem of Italy and especially popular in the North.
Lunch and a tour with Silvana
Silvana invited us for lunch and a tour of some old churches.
The smaller towns host some great restaurants. This one is Gambrinus in San Polo di Piave. Detailed photos in the Cibo e Bibite section of this post.The restaurant has a stream running through it with several sturgeon.It also has a large park filled with a variety of birds . . . . . . and swings
La Chiesa di San Giorgio
The small church originally constructed in the 7th to 8th century is filled with frescos from the 14th century.
Last Supper. Note the crustaceans and fish in the enlargement below.
Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (Tempio), Ormelle (Treviso)
First constructed in the 12th century, the church was one of a series of churches and other buildings constructed by the Mansionis Templi (Templars) to serve pilgrims on their journeys to Jerusalem.
Robert always likes to make a visit to the lovely town of Sacile. It is large enough to have a major plaza and like many towns in the Veneto, it has arcades and waterways. The waterways wind through the fabric of the older buildings. This time, we saw two kayakers paddling through a series of markers suspended over the water. Sacile is a bit sleepy in mid day, but everything is attractive and well kept. There are always some random Americans, probably from Aviano airbase.
Bonnie and Robert enjoyed staying in Sacile when they accompanied Robert’s parents on their last trip to Italy in 2002. And many people from San Mateo use Sacile as a home base to visit relatives.
Conegliano is the home town of Robert’s aunt Zia Angela (Zanette) and the largest in the region except for Treviso. This town of 35,000 lies north of Treviso and west of Pianzano. In the 1960s, Robert’s Uncle Rico from San Mateo took a long trip to stay with the Marchesin relatives in Pianzano, and he met Angela in the butcher shop run by her family. His six-month trip turned into twelve months and his marriage to Angela in 1964.
Robert’s parents used to stay in Conegliano for a few days to get over jet lag before plunging into visits with the relatives. We stayed in the same hotel in Conegliano on one of our past trips.
This time was different because we spent only an afternoon in the town to see Zia’s sister-in-law Marisa Zanette and her son Francesco, and to have lunch on one of the older streets in town.
I vigneti e le cantine
First a small discourse on vineyards and wineries in the Veneto—there are a whole bunch of them!
As we drive back and forth through the Veneto, we are amazed by how much land is covered with vineyards. Some on rolling hills. Others on flat open land. All well tended. Beans, sunflowers, and maize are disappearing in favor of grapes.
We looked up some stats on this. (Thank you Wikipedia). Italy is the second largest producer of wine in the world, producing about 1.2 billon gallons each year, and accounting for 25 percent of world production. The Veneto’s 220,000 acres of vineyards produce 225 million gallons of wine. A full 21 percent of the land has the coveted DOC certification.
In comparison, the entire state of California has 427,000 acres of vineyards producing 716 million gallons of wine each year. This makes California the fourth largest producer of wine in the world.
The massive wineries in the Veneto, called cantine, that dot the landscape are definitely of an industrial scale. Many are cooperatives. The cantine dictate the dates for accepting each variety of grape starting with the grapes for Prosecco, followed by other whites, and ending with the reds. The last is the Raboso grape in the Oderzo area.
We also noticed that the vines are pruned like hedges and we asked Miryam about this. Turns out that machine-harvesting of grapes requires this trimming. We assume the machines require an even surface and better access to the grapes. The machines harvest the grapes by sucking them off the vine, along with leaves, twigs, and any tiny animals that get in the way. When they started to do machine harvesting, the cantine found that the volume of each shipment exceeded that of grapes picked by hand. This was because the machine-picking partially crushes the grapes, increasing the weight by volume. So it was hard for the cantine to keep up at first. Now they know what to expect. Some wineries pay less for machine-harvested grapes claiming that the quality is not as good because it contains the extra debris. Others pay the same as for hand-picked grapes.
The winery in Oderzo has wine dispensing stations, like gas pumps. You choose your variety, fill up your jug, and pay the cashier.
Furlan Wines
The Furlan family operates a winery in Conegliano. Monia Carlet is a childhood friend of Miryam and graciously gave Robert a tour. Very modern building with very modern equipment, a store, and a wine tasting room. (Sorry that Robert did not take more photos). They expanded in the last few years from the older building that is now a B&B. They make Prosecco, Cabernet, and Merlot among other wines. Their vineyards are located away from the shop. They distribute in Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, South Korea, and hope to distribute in the USA. They will start harvesting grapes for Prosecco at the end of August to early September.
Monia explained to Robert that the production of DOC and DOCG wine is strictly controlled. Furlan notifies the consortium when they are ready to bottle wine. Consortium representatives come to the winery to taste and take samples for testing to verify the variety of grapes used as well as any chemicals that might be present from treating the vines. They also verify that the quantity of bottled wine does not exceed the capacity of their vineyards. After everything is confirmed, they send the winery the labels for the bottles confirming they have met the requirements of DOC or DOCG.
It seems that Italy has stricter controls than the USA.
Monia Carlet
La sorgente del Gorgazzo
Robert’s 40-minute drive to this spring went through small towns and rolling hills. Located in the foothills of the Alps, this underwater cave is the source of the Livenza River. It is the second largest producing spring found in karst formations. The color of the water at the source is a brilliant blue. And, unlike other photos in our blog, Robert did NOT apply filters to the photos to enhance the color.
Gorizia is the home town of Louise Mozingo’s mom. We thought it was worth the drive. It was.
Located at the border between Italy and Slovenia, this town has changed hands many times—among rulers such as Austrian Hapsburgs, Venice, French Illyrian Provinces, and Yugoslavia. It has always been a multi-ethnic city. The last time the city changed hands was at the end of WWII when Gorizia was awarded to Italy.
The city’s graceful architecture and landscape have been heavily influenced by Austria and Slovenia, prior rulers. Many Austrian aristocrats summered here, and deposed French Bourbons settled here. Many of the streets are lined by impressive large mature trees.
Louise recommended a local restaurant, Trattoria Torri, that turned out to be great. No menus. Filled with groups of local men on their lunch breaks.
Cividale del Friuli
Another recommendation by Louise Mozingo, this small medieval town was settled by Veneti and Celts. Like so many places in what we now know as Italy, it was taken over by Romans, invaded by Lombards, etc., etc. Nice place. Worth at least a one-hour visit.
This is a great place to visit and perhaps stay for a few days. In fact, a recent article in the New York Times suggested Treviso as an alternative to crowded Venice. Venice is only 30 minutes away by train, making day trips easy. But if you drive to Treviso, plan on spending 30 minutes to find a parking space!
At 85,000, Treviso is the largest city in the region, and an elegant collection of gothic, renaissance, and Liberty (Noveau) buildings. It is the home of Benetton, De’Longhi, and other sport and clothing companies. The retail streets are lined with attractive shops, but at midday the town is quiet. Tourists are few and far between. In Treviso, Bonnie especially liked the new museum of classic Italian posters, the Salce Collection.
Another Marchesin store! Their slogan is “Not only cashmere.” For summer they have manufactured light-weight cotton sweaters in bold colors,
Sunday Outing
We took a nice ride up to Follina and Cison (towns on the Strada del Prosecco discussed later in this post) with Miryam, Alessandro, Leonardo, and Michele. Nocciola stayed home. We stopped first in Follina to visit an ancient abbey and then on to Cison for lunch and more sightseeing.
Abbazia Santa Maria di Follina
First mentioned in the early 12th century, the abbey consists of the cathedral and a cloister. It is quite beautiful and well preserved. The quality of art in the church is exceptional, which is true of many churches in the Veneto because they would draw on painters from nearby Venice.
Cison di Valmarino
Lots to see in tiny, picturesque Cison. During Roman times, it was a defensive location along an important road that linked the Po Valley with what is now Austria.
The town made use of its waterways with mills for making flour, cutting wood, and weaving silk, among others things.
We saw several churches and walked along a waterway as well as visited the Castel Brando, originally constructed by the Romans and later expanded. The castle compound now draws local and foreign tourists, including participants in a recent G8 summit, with a hotel, restaurants, and venues for weddings. Primary access to the castle is by funicular.
On the stroll along the millway in Cison, Robert ran into an older man who spoke with him for a few minutes, His dialect was so strong that all Robert could do was nod and say “si” every now and then. Alessandro confirmed that the guy spoke more than a bit of dialect! Unintelligible to those of us who study Italian.
Moorish Liberty (Art Nouveau) Great painted sunflowers under the eavesMy will does not know hindrances – Benito Mussolini
San Vito di Cison
Santa Maria Assunta di Cison
Castel Brando
Strada del Prosecco
Copied from the web
There is a prescribed route through the Prosecco-growing region of the Veneto, only 30 minutes from Robert’s relatives. For many years, Robert’s parents had a plaque of the route hanging in their breakfast nook. The route gained UNESCO World Heritage status days before our visit.
The route takes you through vast areas of vineyards intricately sited in the rolling hills. Everyone seems to have a cantina where they sell their brand of Prosecco. There are dozens.
Osteria Senza Oste
This “Osteria without the owner” is a self-serve osteria in an old family house on a hillside literally in the middle of the vineyards. A refrigerator offers wine, cheese, salami, pancetta, and other items for sale—all labeled with a price. The table nearby has a machine that allows you to add up your items and pay (with cash, of course).
Their website said parking was in the vineyard. They were not kidding.
Time and life do not stop
Vittorio Veneto
While having a Manhattan one day in San Mateo with Mary Peccolo (Carla’s mom), Robert saw a plaque in their house with a view he had seen on a trip. Mary explained that her husband, who had operated a shoe repair shop in San Mateo, was from Serravalle in Vittorio Veneto, and that his brother’s family still operated a shoe repair shop there. We parked, turned around, and found it!
More thoughts on navigation in Italy
Sempre dritto
Robert’s mom was always amused about getting directions in Italy. She would hear “go two blocks, take a right, after a block, another right,” and then “sempre dritto.” We too have heard “sempre dritto” many times on our trip. Although this translates to “always straight ahead,” it actually means something different. It means “stay on the main road.” Wish we had known this 30 years ago.
At the roundabout . . .
If you use a navigator in your car, this is the most familiar phrase you hear in the Veneto. Roundabouts have multiplied like bunnies here, no matter how small the roads may be. (So, for example, you hear “At the roundabout, take the second exit.”)
Cibo e Bibite
Torta di Alessandro e Michele
Bonnie’s survey of (nondairy) gelato continues in Treviso. Dassie chocolate was voted best in Italy in 2018.Bigoli in salsa. Robert’s mom Emma made this every year on Christmas Eve.
Seppie alla Alessandro
Alessandro fixed the seppie in the morning to promote the flavors for the evening meal. Very good with grilled white polenta.Serravalle in Vittorio Veneto We return here each year to have a drink. Michele baked a Torta Aqua for Bonnie early on the morning of our departure. (No milk. No butter. He found the recipe on the web.) Great job Michele!