On the Road Again!

Oh, Canada! Unlike many of our friends and neighbors, we have never been to Banff and Lake Louise, so we decided it was time for a roadtrip. Our route is from California through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia, finally arriving in Alberta, and returning through Montana with a few days of fishing. We are planning drives of five or six hours, plus a stop for lunch. Typically we are on the road by 10 or 10:30. Bonnie needs her sleep! Bonnie booked lodging for every night through Labor Day, and after that lodging should be easy to find on the fly. On this trip we do not expect to see many sheep or Roman ruins. Perhaps a few bears and elk.

27-28 August 2023

From Home to Klamath Falls, Oregon

En Route

The landscape of Bay Area cities quickly gave way to rural and agriculture views. It is amazing how close to home the land opens up. Lake Shasta is nearly full with a ring of roughly twenty feet of bare earth—perhaps additional capacity for upcoming fall and winter rains. We saw large areas of burnt trees from past fires with some areas undergoing revegetation. As we approached Klamath Falls, the air became brownish gray, which was more pronounced the next day, because of many fires to the west in Oregon and California.



28-29 August 2023

Hermiston, Oregon

En Route



Scenes after Fragonard

29-30 August 2023

Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho

En Route

Pic from the web taken in spring

Our drive took us through the Columbia Plateau. Vast expanses of dry grasslands and wheat disappear on the horizon. There are a few grapes and olive trees too, but very little at this point. We’ll see what the next ten years brings. As we neared Spokane, we began to see the Palouse—rolling hills formed by winds picking off glacial fines. Think of sand dunes. Bonnie remembers learning about the Palouse in graduate school in geography, but this was the first time she had seen it. It is a very distinctive landscape. Specialized equipment allows farmers to plow and harvest on the steep inclines. Washington State calls them one of the seven wonders of the state. As we reached the eastern edge of the state, the landscape abruptly changed to conifers, and this continued as we drove through Idaho to our destination. While dry in terms of rainfall, the area is lush with forests and understory. We began to see trucks hauling newly harvested lumber, Trump signs, and enormous American flags.


We assume that these rules were true in their day. Gives one some hope for the future.


Next stop— Banff!!

2 thoughts on “On the Road Again!

  1. Looks like a fun trip in the Fall. Although not on your trip plan, consider driving over Ebbetts Pass and staying at the cabin as long as you like.

    Safe Travels.

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